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Plot: Last Supper

A stark, desolate landscape depicting Deadvlei in Namibia, featuring several bare, twisted trees rising from a cracked white clay pan. The scene is starkly contrasted against a backdrop of vivid orange sand dunes under a deep blue sky, emphasizing the arid and harsh environment

Literary plot genre: Drama; historical | Palestine, 20 AD

Main characters

Afeef tells his story and that of his friend Judah. Both are sons of fishermen and both help their parents support poor families. They live in two neighboring huts on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. The only treasure they possess are their fathers' boats and fishing nets. Afeef and Judah are forced to endure the abuse of the Roman conquerors, their idols and their culture. Every day, the Romans are subjected to harassment and abuse. Despite the difficulties, the two young men remain respectful of their families and their role in them.

The call to adventure

When rumors begin to spread that a man capable of leading the revolt has arrived Afeef and Judah rejoice and begin to dream of what their liberated world can be like. Rumors claim that the man is gathering support and people around him. The two are tempted to find out who he is, but they are also aware that they are just fishermen. However, one evening, Judas returns to find his sister raped and his father dying. The Romans did it.

The conflict

Afeef recounts the suffering that Judah and his family have been forced to endure since that day and the inner conflict that wears down his friend: on the one hand he is aware that he has to worry about his family, and on the other he would like to join those who want to rebel against the Romans.

The key

When Judah's father dies as a result of his injuries, the young man decides to join the rebellion. The echo of the oppressed people motivates him more and more. Rebellion is a dream he shares with many, and it will be of no use for Afeef's words to dissuade him. Judah joins the company following Jesus, but soon discovers that the Messiah is not willing to engage in battle against the occupiers; in fact, he does not even oppose them. Judas feels betrayed and decides to hand Jesus over to the Romans rather than leave him free to delude his people.

The alternatives

Like all historical plots, placement in other times or places is difficult. However, one can take a cue from to tell events that have points in common. Easier to use different characters to narrate events using other points of view: that of Judah directly, or that of a Roman soldier, that of an outside narrator.

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